Sunday, February 24, 2008

Are Web Directories Getting To Fancy?

Over the past year we have seen web directories go from your basic php template to a more custom design with all kinds of cool features. It was good to see this happen because the market did in fact need a face lift, but has the market gone over board with all of it's new features? Now of course the creators of most of the new features we have seen being used would disagree, after all it does put money in their pocket. But do all of these features really help your web directory? Do people who visit your directory even use all of the features?

As a directory submitter myself I can say that although I do like alot of the new features that are out there it is not something that I look for when submitting to a directory. Nevertheless, I have to admire all of the hard work that goes into creating these features and those who take the time to make their directory a little different from the next.

For me the only features I need is a direct link to my site and the ability to deep link to some of my other pages, details page is important to. Other than that I really have no need for any of the other features.

What are your thoughts and what features matter the most to you? Do you think directories have gone over board by having so many features on their directory? Do you even care if a web directory has any features?