Thursday, January 11, 2007

Directory Review:

Each week I will review a few directories and give my thoughts in regards to layout design, backlinks, pagerank and a few other things.

I have been checking out lately and I must say that the site is very well put together and is loaded with tons of features some which I have not seen on any other directory. The site has some really cool looking icons and there are alot of categories to get listed under. The yahoo stock market chart is a nice addition along with the lastest world news.

One thing that I noticed about the design is that a piece of the logo seems to be missing at the top of the page but that could just be on my end of things. I also noticed that the pages take a little while to load up, that is really not that big of an issue yet one worth noting. Other than that I think this is a really good directory and one that I do not see alot of people giving credit to, but the site gets my vote as being a true quality directory. Stats
Online Since: May 30, 2006
Page Rank: 0
Page Strength: 4
Google Backlinks: 9,050
Yahoo Backlinks: 71,360
MSN Backlinks: 17,995
Cost to get listed: Free

Gotta love those stats. The site has been online for less than a year and has already gotten a nice amount of backlinks pointing to the site, and although the page rank is 0 that is not a good reason for someone to not submit to this directory. The page strength is pretty nice as well, and hey the site is free to be listed in so you can't beat that. With the kind of google backlinks this directory has I would expect it to get a page rank of at least a high 6 or low 7 once google can figure out how to do a page rank update again.

So my hats are off the owner of this directory, if you have any questions regarding then you can contact them at or if you are a member of Digital Point then you can contact an0n and I am sure he will be able to answer any questions that you may have regarding

Thanks for reading and there are more reviews to come.


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