Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Directory Review:

This week we will have a look In a directory market full of phpld scripts and many others has chosen to do things the old fashion way. The directory has been built from scratch using straight html coding, pretty impressive if you ask me, seeing that the directory has over 1,500 pages all which were built by hand, every category even has it's very own submission page except the free categories. I'm sure it is a nightmare to manage but you gotta give credit to the owner for taking on a such a task.

Although the directory is not flooded with tons of categories to choose from the ones that were selected have been based on popular keyword searches and ones that people search for the most on the internet. Another cool feature this directory offers is the ability to read the lastest news for each category. For example, if you are in the Travel category you will see the lastest news in the travel market. Not all categories provide that lastest news but about 75% of the directory does give the users fresh content for that category each time they visit or refresh the page. is also making a pretty good showing in the directory contest and is currently in position #5 for the keyword . With only a week left to go in the contest seems to be making one last final run at first place. I feel that is a very good directory and one that will surely be among the best directories out there in the future. Let's have a look at some stats for Stats

Online Since: April 26, 2006
Page Rank: 6
Page Strength: 5.5
Google Backlinks: 2,240
Yahoo Backlinks: 58,077
MSN Backlins: 13,894
Cost to get listed: $25 for top level catogories, $20 for second level categories.

As stated above is a very good directory and one that is surely worth the submission fees. And from looking at the stats this directory looks to be pretty promising in the future, with a nice page rank and good backlinks this directory is sure to be around for quite some time. If you have any questions regarding you can visit their about us page and send them an email and I am sure that any questions you have will be answered in full. Thanks for reading and there are more reviews to come in the future so continue to stop by for the lastest updates in the directory market.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Webbieo Web Directory Taking Submissions Again.

Just wanted to make an anouncement regarding This directory has been on the book shelf for guite sometime now but the lastest pr update boosting the site to pr 5 I figure it derserves a shot at the directory market again. This directory does not have the best design or alot of categories,to be honest I made it for my girlfriend and she chose the design so I gotta stick with it for now. But I did tell her that if things start to look better with the submissions then we will need to redesign it as well as take some of the submission money and starting marketing more. I wanted to sell it because I really do not have alot of time to take care of it, but like I said lets see what happens with the submissions.

You can get listed in webbieo web directory for a one time fee of only $5 and if you want a featured listing then that will only cost a one time fee of only $15. There is also a sitewide listing available for directories only and there are two options to chose from, you can select the 3 month option for $50 or the 6 month option for $80 either one would provide some good backlinks to your website.

Webbieo Web Directory is owned by Online Marketing Advisors and is also connected with a powerful internet web directory that is starting to take off. So visit and get your sites listed today at a great price.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Directory Review:

Here is another directory that I have come across that is a great value and worth being listed in The directory has some really good features and the design is also very nice. This site is also loaded with categories to chose from which always a plus for a directory.

Although I am not to fond of the adsense on the site it is not something that I think should hinder one from wanting to be listed in the directory. Let take a look at some of the stats for Stats

Online Since: September 7, 2005
Page Rank: 5
Page Strength: 4.5
Google Backlinks: 960
Yahoo Backlinks: 29,496
MSN Backlinks: 7,417
Cost to get listed: $9.99 with other options to chose from.

Another good directory with great stats, a soild page rank and good backlinks along with a pretty good page strength makes this directory well worth the submission fee. For more information regarding ebusiness-directory please visit their website at and do not forget to get your site listed while you are there.

More directory reviews to come in the future. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Another Shift in Directory Contest Rankings

Google has done another update to rankings. Looks like for now that there is a new 3rd place leader has taken this spot over. Man these guys are good, how long should I wait before I make my final move? As I said timing is everything and with a few sites following behind and getting links from the place do not make things easier, however I do think that copying someone elses links is a little tacky at the same time there is nothing I can do about it.

There are 13 days left in this directorycontest and the results are getting larger and larger and I'm sure it will hit the half million mark soon. Again lets see how things play out. Look for to take the overall lead here soon.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Directory Contest Hits 400,000 Results.

As we come closer to the end of the directory contest the results are now getting higher and higher. Results can be seen as high 431,000 on some data centers with the lowest at about 416,000. It is great that results are moving up but I have not seen any change in the sites ranking in the top 5, the only suffling going right now is between some of the other sites.

As things stand right now it looks like has this contest in hand, but as most of us know the results could take a big shift in next few days. Would'nt it be funny if someone like dmoz jumped in the directory contest right at the end and just blew everybody away? Just think how many directory owners would be sick to the stomach if this was to happen. Well as some you know I am in this directory contest and am currently ranking #4 not bad I guess, but I know I could do alot better than this, my page has alot of links pointing to it but I guess I will have to push a little harder.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Link Wars - Directories vs. Blogs.

Looks like there is a bit of war going on right now between directories and blogs. While alot of people still look towards directories for links, more and more each day people are starting to turn to blogs as a way of gaining good quality links to their website. I think this is a great move for link builders, with out question I think that blogs do provide a somewhat higher quality of links, at the same time I am still a firm beliver that directory links provide this as well.

I guess the big question is which is better to have, a link from a directory or a link from a blog? Since both do help your site I would get links from both, the more links you have the better. Blogs do have an advantage because they provide you a link wraped around content which I am sure most will agree are the best kind of links to have. The reason is because the links look more natural. Does this mean that links from directories are no good? I'm not saying that, directory links also have there advantages. One advantage is that in most directories you can chose your own anchor text and you are likely to get on a page with good rankings and pr.

I think that there will be a pretty big boom for blog links, however I also think that directories will continue to be a dominate force when it comes to gaining links for your website. Lets wait and see what happens between these two in 2007. I will keep you upated as I come across more information.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Directory Contest: Update.

Well the contest is heating up more and more everyday and for the most part it looks like it is going to be a tight race down the stretch. There still seems to be a confusing regarding the rules but it is good to see more directories take part and work a little harder to get to the top.

Here are the current leader right now.


Let see how things play out in the final weeks of this directory contest, will be able to hold on to the #1 spot or will one of the other sites take the lead right at the end? We will have to wait and see. Either way good luck to all that has entered this directory contest and may the rankings be with them.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Directory Review:

Each week I will review a few directories and give my thoughts in regards to layout design, backlinks, pagerank and a few other things.

I have been checking out lately and I must say that the site is very well put together and is loaded with tons of features some which I have not seen on any other directory. The site has some really cool looking icons and there are alot of categories to get listed under. The yahoo stock market chart is a nice addition along with the lastest world news.

One thing that I noticed about the design is that a piece of the logo seems to be missing at the top of the page but that could just be on my end of things. I also noticed that the pages take a little while to load up, that is really not that big of an issue yet one worth noting. Other than that I think this is a really good directory and one that I do not see alot of people giving credit to, but the site gets my vote as being a true quality directory. Stats
Online Since: May 30, 2006
Page Rank: 0
Page Strength: 4
Google Backlinks: 9,050
Yahoo Backlinks: 71,360
MSN Backlinks: 17,995
Cost to get listed: Free

Gotta love those stats. The site has been online for less than a year and has already gotten a nice amount of backlinks pointing to the site, and although the page rank is 0 that is not a good reason for someone to not submit to this directory. The page strength is pretty nice as well, and hey the site is free to be listed in so you can't beat that. With the kind of google backlinks this directory has I would expect it to get a page rank of at least a high 6 or low 7 once google can figure out how to do a page rank update again.

So my hats are off the owner of this directory, if you have any questions regarding then you can contact them at or if you are a member of Digital Point then you can contact an0n and I am sure he will be able to answer any questions that you may have regarding

Thanks for reading and there are more reviews to come.